5 Oktober 2024
2 Woche zuvor
Der taiwanesische Rat für Festlandangelegenheiten gab heute bekannt, dass Taiwan taiwanesischen Staatsbürgern und ihren gleichgeschlechtlichen Partnern aus China, Hongkong und Macau künftig die Registrierung ihrer Ehe gestatten wird, wenn sie zunächst in einem Drittland heiraten.
1 Monat zuvor
Ein Gericht in Hongkong verurteilt zwei ehemalige Redakteure eines geschlossenen Nachrichtensenders in einem Fall von Volksverhetzung, der weithin als Gradmesser für die Zukunft der Pressefreiheit in der Stadt gilt, die einst als Bastion der freien Presse in Asien gepriesen wurde.
1 Monat zuvor
Gericht in Hongkong weist den Versuch des Medienmagnaten Jimmy Lai ab, sein Urteil aufzuheben
1 Monat zuvor
Hongkongs erster wegen nationaler Sicherheit verurteilter Häftling Tong Ying-kit sagt, er sei durch falsche Nachrichten „irregeführt" worden
1 Monat zuvor
Chinas oberster Diplomat in Hongkong trifft US-Gesandten und verurteilt „negative Bemerkungen" über die Stadt nn
Das US-Finanzministerium verhängt Sanktionen gegen 5 Personen und 7 Unternehmen im Iran, in China und Hongkong
US-Außenministerium: Blinken sprach mit seinem chinesischen Amtskollegen während des Treffens in Laos Menschenrechtsfragen an, darunter Tibet, Hongkong und Taiwan
2 Monat zuvor
South Korea slaps sanctions on Hong Kong shipping firm, North Korean cargo ship
Per @USTreasury, Iran' network of exchange houses & companies in HongKong UAE & Marshall Islands moved moved hundreds of millions for dollars’ worth of revenue from oil sales, currency exchangesThe money is then used to procure/develop drones & other weaponry
4 Monat zuvor
A former Royal Marine accused of spying for the Hong Kong intelligence service has died in unexplained circumstances in a park in Maidenhead
UK police charge three men with helping Hong Kong's foreign intelligence service4 Monat zuvor
UK police charge three men with helping Hong Kong's foreign intelligence service
China says Hong Kong protest song ban 'necessary measure'
Die USA haben Sanktionen gegen mehr als ein Dutzend Unternehmen in China und Hongkong verhängt, weil sie den Krieg Russlands in der Ukraine unterstützen. Schnelle Maßnahmen, nachdem Blinken China letzte Woche vor US-Maßnahmen an dieser Front gewarnt hatte, falls China nicht die kritische Unterstützung für Russland mit Dual-Use-Gütern einstellt.
China on Wednesday dismissed the responses of countries that have criticised Hong Kong's new national security law, commonly referred to as Article 23. "All attacks and smears will never succeed and are doomed to fail," foreign ministry spokesman says
6 Monat zuvor
Hong Kong passes tough security law, which authorities say is needed for stability but critics fear will further erode civil rights
Hong Kong’s national security police have announced arrest warrants for five overseas activists — Simon Cheng (鄭文傑), Frances Hui (許穎婷), Joey Siu (邵嵐), Johnny Fok (霍嘉誌) and Tony Choi (蔡明達) — placing HK$1 million bounties on their heads9 Monat zuvor
Hong Kong’s national security police have announced arrest warrants for five overseas activists — Simon Cheng (鄭文傑), Frances Hui (許穎婷), Joey Siu (邵嵐), Johnny Fok (霍嘉誌) and Tony Choi (蔡明達) — placing HK$1 million bounties on their heads
1 Jahr zuvor
Suspected Hong Kong triad member ‘arrested’ over hit-and-run incident
1 Jahr zuvor
In Chai Wan, Hong Kong, under the heavy rain of 150 mm in one hour, the streets have turned into raging rivers
1 Jahr zuvor
Hong Kong court rejects media tycoon Jimmy Lai’s bid to halt national security trial
1 Jahr zuvor
Hong Kong pro-democracy political party Civic Party has voted to dissolve. The decision came after the party’s executive committee posts were left vacant as no members filed nominations to take up positions
1 Jahr zuvor
#HongKong police have arrested three men over a raid on a watch store in Tsim Sha Tsui on Saturday in which goods worth more than HK$10 million were stolen
1 Jahr zuvor
It seems that the fire is mainly on the second floor of the warehouse. Yellow smoke is coming out of the building
1 Jahr zuvor
Hong Kong national security police arrest 2 men over allegedly possessing seditious publications
1 Jahr zuvor
Another demo axed in the "new" Hong Kong era. After accepting the police suggestion that they cancel the march, the Hong Kong Taoist Association held a rally at Maple Street Playground instead
1 Jahr zuvor
Even Putin knows 2014 Maidan protests were a successful popular uprisings. The term coup didn't even appear until Russia repackaged it as one years later for lazy people whose opinions on Ukraine were spoon fed to them by Oliver Stone's propaganda piece, Ukraine on Fire
Firefighters battle blaze in Hong Kong shopping district1 Jahr zuvor
Firefighters battle blaze in Hong Kong shopping district
Major fire breaks out in Hong Kong.1 Jahr zuvor
Major fire breaks out in Hong Kong.
Skyscraper under construction on fire in Hong Kong1 Jahr zuvor
Skyscraper under construction on fire in Hong Kong
1 Jahr zuvor
How Hong Kong police cracked the case of model Abby Choi's grisly murder: vehicle GPS records and security camera footage from homes and parked cars led them to village house where body parts were found
1 Jahr zuvor
Hong Kong protests: IT engineer gets 40 months' jail for transport of more than 24kg of flammable chemicals in foiled 2021 bomb plot